Non Solo Pizza

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/26/16

Ok, so now for something completely different. When in Rome (and Italy for that mattes), you have to get some pizza. And one of the best places to get that pizza is from a hole-in-the-wall that serves up slices. There were two on the Viale Ippocrate, where we stayed. They were both very good, but I think this one had a slightly better crust to their pizza and a very friendly service.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/26/16

We got pizza from here a couple of times, Margherita and Crudo and maybe Caprese (we picked these out mostly by pointing). All of the pizzas were delicious, everything was fresh and the slices were quickly heated through in the oven before packing them to go. The prices vary as they are weight based, but the price point is low, so we spent less than 20e for enough pizza for five people.

Oh, and the feeling when getting pizza while Span and Italy were playing football and this restaurant was packed full of young men watching the match? Priceless!

Puhelin +39-064440763
Osoite Viale Ippocrate 106, 00161 Rome, Italy

La Laurea

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/25/16

For the second restaurant in the Rome 2016 writings, I have to write about the restaurant close to our hotel that we went to on the second day for lunch. And the last full day in Rome for supper.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/25/16

The restaurant is an unassuming neighbourhood trattoria that serves lunch and dinner and also pizza for take-away. The lunch list consisted of primi: Penne all’arrabbiata or pasta with a spicy tomato sauce (3,50e), rigatoni amatriciana or pasta with “bacon” tomato sauce and pecorino (4,50e), parmigiana or aubergine with tomato sauce and cheese (5e), linguine cozze e vongole or pasta with clams and mussels (5,50e) and fettuccine campagnola or pasta with (I guess?) a creamy sauce and some meat with cheese (4,80e). For lunch the secondi were: Scottadito di tacchino or panfried turkey (3,80e), cotoletta panata or crusted veal(?) (3,50e), fettina rosa di manzo or (I guess?) steak of beef (6e), hamburger (2,50e), petto di pollo or panfired chicken breast (3,80e), braciola di suino or panfried porkchops (3,80e), salsicce di norcia or spicy sausages (3,50e), pollo con peperoni or chicken and bell peppers (5,50e) and passera con pachino(?) (5,50e). For sides there were: Bieta or chard (2,50e), cicoria all’agro or boiled chicory (2,50e), verdura ripassata or sautéed vegetables (2,80e), patate fritte or fries (2,20e), patate lessate or boiled potatoes (2,50e) and spinaci or spinach (2,50e). Insalata caprese or tomato mozzarella salad (6e) was also available.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/30/16

We took chicken and fries for the kids, parmigiana and insalata caprese for us. Ordering is done in the table and the waiter tried his best to help us navigate the menu.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/30/16

The payment was done at the counter where another person tallied up our bill. We should have taken maybe a pasta to share, as the food we ate did not keep us until the late dinner/supper time (19:30 onwards) that is usual for Rome.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/25/16

The kids really liked the chicken and the fries disappeared also quickly. The waiter gave condiments when asked, so the kids got their ketchup (mayo was also available) and we got olive oil, salt and balsamic vinegar.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/25/16

The parmigiana was deliciously simple and cheesily wonderful. We both loved this and ate it up with some of the bread they brought to the table. We also used extra plates for dipping the bread into olive oil and vinegar.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/25/16

The insalata caprese was also good, but to our wonder (this happened so many times that it cannot be a coincidence) the tomatoes were not that ripe. Being in Italy one would assume that all the tomatoes would taste of the sun, but no. Still, we did enjoy the salad and the silky mozzarella.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/30/16

For the supper, we came when the restaurant opened (19:30) and sat outside, although doing that did in effect mean that the smokers were sitting close to us, which is a point to consider. No smoking indoors, so if it bothers you too much, then maybe head inside.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/30/16

On the menu were a lot of the same things as during lunch and a bunch of other items as well. I’ll let you peruse the attached menu in English. There were also the daily specials and those were: Gnocchi alla sorrentina or potatoe gnocchi with tomato and mozzarella sauce, fettuchine funghi or pasta with mushroom sauce, rigatoni ragú or pasta with a meat and tomato sauce, amatriciana, mezzemaniche cardinale or pasta with (I guess?) a bechamel sauce with tomato, tonnarelli cacio pepe or “thick spaghetti” with pecorino and pepper sauce, parmigiana and bistecca di manzo alla brace or a steak.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/30/16

Ordering and payment was done in the same manner as lunch. And again we asked for the bread and the condiments. We ordered a few chicken breasts and fries, an insalata caprese, a margharita pizza, cacio pepe and aglio olio (pasta with garlic, olive oil, parmesan, chili and parsley). The kids loved the chicken again.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/30/16

The pizza was ok, but definitely not the best we had in Rome. But still, very good by the standards of what you get at home. Simple and with a pretty good base.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/30/16

Insalata caprese was again good, but still the tomatoes were a source of amazement, why are these not as ripe as the ones we use at home? Is it customary for Italians to use this not too ripe tomatoes in salads? If so, then why?

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/30/16

The cacio (e) pepe that I ordered was just wonderful. One of the best pasta dishes I had in Rome and the peppery hit was delightful.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/30/16

The simple aglio (e) olio pasta dish is my wife’s favourite and this version was the best one she had in Rome. Very good and very filling, she could not finish the large dish (they were worried that she did not like it, but she loved it).

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/25/16

The restaurant is a small and decorated in a simple fashion. This feels very authentic and most of the other customers were decidedly local. The only issue we had with the restaurant was the bathroom, which was not that great. So maybe avoid going there, if you can.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/30/16

The service was attentive and helpful, we felt very welcome to the restaurant and I heartily recommend stopping by if you are in the neighbourhood. And the neighbourhood was actually very nice, not at all touristy, but felt genuine and it was lovely to walk around the San Lorenzo area.

URL La Laurea
Puhelin +39-06491311
Osoite Via Giovanni Mingazzini 24, 00161 Rome, Italy



Se olis sitten maanantai jälleen ja erittäin hyvän viikonlopun jälkeen oli pientä väsymystä ilmassa joka johti loputtomaan häröilyyn lounaspaikkaa miettiessä. Kävin Instagramin perusteella tarkastamassa Stockmannin entisen shampanjabaarin (siellä katutasossa, Manskun ja Espan kulmassa) tilalle tullutta Smörre nimistä raflaa, mutta sehän oli kiinni. Siitä sitten osittain paketoidun Esplanadin puiston läpi ja kävin tsekkaamassa olisiko Cafe Du Coin avautunut (ollut listalla, mutta tuntunut aina olevan kiinni) ja se tilahan oli tyhjennetty. Eli pois to do -listalta sitten se.

Just your average pizza/kebab restaurant with big portions and a lunch offer with salad and a soda.

For better food close by, go to Qulma, Café DaJa or Doi Thai. Or if it is Friday, you might want to treat yourself to Ask, one of the best restaurants in Helsinki.


Ovelasti (like a fox!) menin Kauppatorin ihmismassan läpi (ehkä jossain näissä mestoissa pitäisi vetäistä joku kesälounas?) ja kohti Helsingin Kaupunginmuseota ja siellä sijaitsevaa El Fant -raflaa. Mutta sehän tarjoileekin lounasta vain tiistaista perjantaihin. Tässä kohtaa olin jo menettänyt toivoni ja harhailin kohti Krunikan katuja epämääräinen muistikuva jostain saksalaisesta ravintolasta sillä suunnalla. Mutta sitten kun tuli vastaan Keko-ravintola, niin päätin luovuttaa ja mennä sisälle.


Mesta tarjoaa pizzaa ja kebabia yms tavaraa lounastarjouksena (8,50e) johon saa mukaan myös limpparin ja salaattipöydän. En nyt rupea tähän listaamaan niitä vaihtoehtoja, ne ovat juurikin niitä mitä kaikissa tällaisissa rafloissa on. Itse valitsin kebabin ranuilla, kun pää vaan löi tyhjää eikä tehnyt mieli pizzaa. Salaattibaarissa oli: Salaattisekoitus, makaroni-herne-maissi-paprikasötkötys, punasipulia, punajuurta, pikkelöityjä pepperonichilejä, ananasta, vihreitä oliiveja paprikalla, joku valkoinen (jogurtti?) kastike sekä leipää. Loppuun kuuluu myös kahvi/tee. Tilaus ja maksu hoidetaan tiskille tullessa ja tähän kohtaan voi todeta, että se limpparin kuuluminen lounaaseen kävi ilmi vasta webskaa selaillessa. Olisi siitä voinut mainita, vaikka en minä nyt sinänsä sitä jää mitenkään kaihoisasti muistelemaan.


Alkusalaatti oli perussettiä, tuoretta salaattia ja sipulia, muuten purkkikamaa. Kastike ei oikein maistunut miltään, mutta leipä oli tuoretta.

Kebab tuli kohtuu nopeasti ja sitä oli melkoinen keko (heh heh) lautasella. Lihassa ei ollut mitään erityisempaa paistopintaa, mutta ranut olivat kohtuullisen rapeita. Salaattia oli myös kivan runsaasti, mutta siinä oli sitä samaa hennon makuista kastiketta, jonka olisin toivonut maistuvan vahvan valkosipuliselle. Tomaattikastike oli sekin melko pliisua, mutta toisaalta sen sai korjattua srirachalla, jota oli tarjolla salaattibaarin päällä sijaitsevissa maustelaatikoissa. Tämä oli hyvin stanu kepsu miedoilla kastikkeilla. Ei isoa muistijälkeä, mutta sitäkin täydempi vatsa. Kebabin vetäminen lounaaksi osoittautuu lähes aina virheeksi ja tällä kertaa raskas olo seurasi mukana konttorille asti. Oma vika.


Sisustus oli yllättävän freesi ja uudenkarhean oloinen ( kommenttien perusteella on rempattu lähiaikoina) ja webskakin oli kiitettävän selkeä. Vähän tässä oli sellaista dösäaseman odotteluaulan karua fiilistä, mutta ehkä sellaista on haettukin. Eihän tänne istuskelemaan tulla, vaan syömään nopeasti isoja annoksia.


Asiakaspalvelu oli asiallista, mutta olisin tosiaan toivonut vähän selkeämpää lounastarjouksen selitystä ja muutenkin opastusta, varsinkin kun kysyin että onko lounaslistaa. Mutta meni tämä nyt näinkin. Kasvissyöjälle oli mm. falafeleja, mutta ehkä menisin mieluummin vaikka läheiseen Qulmaan tai erinomaiseen Café DaJaan tai peräti Doi Thaihin asti. Lasten kanssa en vaivautuisi, varsinkaan kun ei ole mitenkään kotikulmia.


Tässä tuli taas mietiskeltyä, että mitenköhän kauan sitä jaksaa rehaa näitä rafloja sitten kun jäljellä on enää näitä pizza/kebab mestoja. Onneksi on vielä jotain muitakin tarjolla ja lista on vielä semipitkä. Tavallaan voisi olla hauska jatkaa johonkin maagiseen numeroon, kuten 555. Kattoo nyt.

Puhelin 09-2784481
Osoite Vironkatu 11, Helsinki