
Helsinki / Uusimaa / Finland - 8/31/16

Eilinen oli ja meni, tänään jaksoin taas tätä, pientä syysväsymystä pukkaa jne. Mutta taas yksi to do -listalta veks, tällä kertaa pikainen metroilu Ruohikseen ja siellä sijaitsevaan Meritähteen, jonka en edes tiennyt tarjoavan ruokaa. Olen jotenkin mieltänyt nämä kolme pubia kaljapaikoiksi, mutta näin sitä ihminen erehtyy. Vastapäätä Meritähteä on Dacca, jossa olen käynyt joskus tsiljoona vuotta sitten vetämässä pizzan ja bisseen jonkun kaverin kanssa (tod.näk. herra G.), mutta muistikuvat ovat hatarat.

A rather disapointing spaghetti Bolognese at this neighborhood restaurant/pub serving pizza, salad alongside classic dishes.

Some other restaurants in Ruoholahti are Hima & Sali, Yeti Nepal and NYC Burger.

Helsinki / Uusimaa / Finland - 8/31/16

Enisveis, tämä paikka tarjoaa lautasannoksia alkusalaattipöydällä. Tänään oli tarjolla jännittävästi vaihtuvalla listalla (maanantaina kun katsoin listaa, oli ihan eri näköinen eikä webskan lista pidä paikkaansa myöskään hintojen osalta): Spagetti Bolognese (8,60e), spagetti Alfredo (8,60e), salaatti kahdella täytteellä (9,30e), pizza kahdella täytteellä (9,30e), voissa paistetut muikut limeaiolilla ja muussilla (9,30e) sekä rosepippuripihvi (12e).

Helsinki / Uusimaa / Finland - 8/31/16

Salaattibaarissa oli: Salaattisekoitus, riisi(blech)-kapris-paprikasötkötys, nacholastuja, salaattikastiketta ja leipää (sämpylää ja “ranskista”) margisnapeilla. Vedet ja aseet mausteineen löytyvät pöydistä. Itse valitsin jostain syystä spagetti bolognesen.

Helsinki / Uusimaa / Finland - 8/31/16

Alkusalaatti oli aika intohimoton esitys. Ymmärrän kyllä, että ehkä asiakaskunta ei ole välttämättä salaatinsyöjiä, mutta silti voisi vähän enemmän yrittää. Mutta ei se riisisötkötys mitenkään pahaa ollut. Leipä oli perus(kaupan)settiä joka oli ehtinyt hieman kuivahtaa.

Helsinki / Uusimaa / Finland - 8/31/16

Pääruoka oli kotiruokamainen setti aavistuksen yli keitettyä spagettia jauhelihakastikkeella, jota ei oltu mitenkään erityisesti viitsitty maustaa. Olihan siinä pöydässä toki ketsuppia ja tabascoa etc, mutta jotenkin tämä tuntui snadisti tällaiselta rimanalitukselta. Hinta ei ollut mitenkään paha, mutta ei toisaalta mikään superhalpakaan. Viereiseen pöytään kannetut pizzat näyttivät paremmilta kuin oma annos.

Helsinki / Uusimaa / Finland - 8/31/16

Sisustus on ajan hampaan koluama korttelikapakka. Pääosin siisti, mutta pöytäliinat olivat nähneet jo jonnin verran actionia, vaikka olin kehissä lounaan alkamisen kohdilla.

Helsinki / Uusimaa / Finland - 8/31/16

Asiakaspalvelu oli asiallista. Kasvissyöjälle oli se pizza, mutta ehkä menisin mieluummin vaikka korttelin toisella puolella sijaitsevaan nepalilaiseen. Lasten kanssa en tulisi, enemmän ns. aikuiseen makuun.

Helsinki / Uusimaa / Finland - 8/31/16

Ps. Olen lukenut yllätysraskauksista, mutta että ihan yllätysliikuntaakin? Pokésaldo: Polliwag, Jynx, Seel ja Staryu sekä 8 PokéStoppia. Kiva kun oli vähän erilaisia (vaikka onhan mulla jo noi kaikki, mut silti!) pokeja esillä.

Puhelin 045-1712277
Osoite Itämerenkuja 2, Helsinki

Abitudini e Follie

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

Close to the hotel we stayed when vacationing in Rome there was another very nice restaurant that we had dinner. The Abitudini e Follie (habits and humor) has a very nice terrace on the street and on one evening we decided to take it for a spin.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

When we arrived to the restaurant, it was packed with young people, but we got a seat outside (it was still very warm) and started to peruse the menu.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

We decided to go for some charcuterie (I think this was 17e) and cheeses for starters and these were just lovely. The portion was rather large, but then again we had five people going at it. I especially liked to nibble on the matured cheeses.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

We got some focaccia on the side, and they brought us things to dip it in.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

Some olive oil, tapenade etc.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

Going through the menu, it was interesting to note that the restaurant seemed to have a slightly more modern take on the Italian/Roman dishes we had seen elsewhere. But also, I guess a list of Roman pizza, i.e. “pinza“, where we picked up a margherita (12e) for one of the kids.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

The pinze was very good and had a real rustic feel to it, but also excellent ingredients.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

I had the cacio e pepe (12e), but this one had also a lemon zest thing going on and some scampi’s to boot. This was a very good dish and an interesting take on the classic Roman dish.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

But I think I still preferred the La Laurea version of it. Probably since I have not had the classical version that many times before.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

For the older girl we took the ragú di scorfano (12e) which was again a new (at least to us) look at the classical ragú pasta dish, but this time with a fish ragú.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

This dish was also very tasty and well done and I have to say that it was very interesting to see a restaurant with such a varied menu and not offering the same dishes that seemingly all the restaurants had.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

Inside the restaurant was an interesting counter with various cheeses on display and from what I gather the restaurant offers also an “aperitivo buffet“, which sounds like something that we should have tried also (maybe next time) just see the snacks on offer.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

The tables and decor in the restaurant seemed also very nice and the whole place had a very good atmosphere.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

I definitely recommend the restaurant, especially if you are looking for something a bit different from the usual fare.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

Phone +39-064441459
Address Via Pavia 28, Rome, Italy

La Taverna del Ghetto

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

We used the taxi’s in Rome extensively when moving around and on one of these excursions we went to see the Barbie and Mucha exhibition. On this trip we walked around the Campidoglio area, although this time we passed the excellent Capitoline Museums.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

My wife and I had visited the museum when we were in Rome some years ago and the children could not stomach another museum immediately after the exhibition. From there we continued towards the Marcello Theater and then took a turn to walk past the Temple of Apollo Sosianus.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

At this point we were rather exhausted from all the walking and the high noon sun. Strolling through the streets of the Roman Ghetto, we were engaged with various restaurant “in-throwers” (is there a better term for these?) and as much as I dislike the custom of peddling the restaurant we did ultimately decide to enter the La Taverna del Ghetto.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

The heat was just too much and the fixed price (12e) menu with an apéritif, a starter and a pasta dish with water included sounded good enough. At first we sat down outside in the lovely terrace by the street, but as the restaurant had air conditioning, we moved inside.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

The starter was grilled artichokes with some lemon. I liked these and got quite enough as the children left quite a bit on their plates. The bread was also included in the menu and we got some balsamic vinegar and olive oil to dip the breads in.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

The main course (sorry for the horrible picture) was Fettuccine al sugo di stracotto (pasta with a tomato and meat sauce). This was a lovely dish with a great tasting sauce and high quality pasta.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

This was one of the better pasta dishes we had in Rome and I highly recommend the restaurant as I feel it was very good value for money, especially considering the area it’s located in.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

The restaurant was charming and well kept, with white tablecloths and some pictures from past customers lining the walls. We had a wonderful time here and felt very welcome as the staff waited on us. The kids were also well received by the waiters.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

After the relaxing and filling meal we went off and started trekking towards the Torre Argentina Cat Sanctuary. That was a blast with the kids and from there it was just a short walk to get to the Pantheon and Piazza Navona. And then it was time once again for a taxi back to the hotel.

Rome / Lazio / Italy - 6/29/16

Phone +39-0668809771
Address Via del Portico D’Ottavia 8, Rome, Italy