Alku / The origins

Päätin 2014 alussa, myöhästyneenä uudenvuodenlupauksena, käydä joka päivä eri paikassa lounaalla. Tämä on onnistunut kohtuullisen hyvin, ihan muutamaa poikkeusta lukuunottamatta (niistä myöhemmin).

Alussa vain kävin eri paikoissa, mutta sitten alkoi olla hieman vaikeaa muistaa kaikkia paikkoja missä oli käynyt ja kun kerroin niistä paikoista muille, en muistanut tarkalleen, että mitä olin syönyt jne.

Olen pitänyt kirjaa nyt muutaman kuukauden puhelimen muistiinpanoissa, mutta se alkoi paisua liiaksi. Rekisteröin itseni myös palveluun, mutta en jotenkin kokenut sitä itselleni sopivaksi.

Täten tein tämän blogin itseni huviksi.  Jos olet tänne eksynyt, niin tervetuloa, toivottavasti tästä kaikesta on sinulle jotain hyötyä tai iloa.

I decided in the start of 2014, as a belated new years resolution, to have lunch in a different restaurant, every single day. I’ve done this pretty consistently so far, with just a few exceptions.

In the beginning I just went to new restaurants, but it became rather difficult to remember where I had been to. And when someone asked where I had eaten, I just could not recall the details my lunch.

When I first wrote this piece, I had started to keep a list of the names of the restaurants that I had visited. As you can imagine, the Note on my iPhone started to get rather unwieldy. I actually registered on (the most popular Finnish restaurant guide with visitor reviews), but it did not fit me for some reason.

So I made this blog, for my own amusement and to make the list more easily manageable.

I have now been doing this a bit longer than I thought, but it has brought me many enjoyable experiences and reading my past thoughts gives me unexpected pleasure.

I have also begun to write more, as I have got more experience and I try to keep my writing style fast and loose, as opposed to my work, which is very technical and exact. This is also the main reason I have been writing in Finnish, as at work my writing is almost exclusively English, the new lingua franca.

So, for whatever reason you came here, I hope you enjoy your stay.